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14 08, 2024

Lost in the labyrinth of ‘spirituality’ – find your own Source-connection


Searching for ‘truth’ in spiritual practices What is ‘spirituality’ really? Is everything out there even ‘true’ or ‘pure’? Nowadays, there are so many paths, teachers, roads, and information overloads. You might find yourself searching [...]

Lost in the labyrinth of ‘spirituality’ – find your own Source-connection2024-08-14T15:23:26+02:00
21 11, 2022

how can I embody my soul even more in daily life?


Change & Interconnectedness I feel and see change emerging. Everywhere around me. The conversations I have with people continue to amaze me. The remarkable thing is that many people don't even realize how much [...]

how can I embody my soul even more in daily life?2024-07-22T18:38:43+02:00
19 10, 2022

Remember your multi-dimensionality


New Territory & Letting Go of Old Roles This week, I received a clear message that I should open myself up to the new. It was a moment when I had a deeper memory [...]

Remember your multi-dimensionality2024-07-22T18:37:15+02:00
9 09, 2022

Healing loop & Breaking the cycle


A New Territory & Letting Go of Old Roles Last week, I shared an insight on my social media: “Sometimes our comfort zone is the fear and the pain. We have to let go [...]

Healing loop & Breaking the cycle2024-07-22T18:37:57+02:00
20 07, 2022

How to Anchor the New Earth Frequencies? (without doom-and-gloom)


In this blog, I want to talk about ‘the new earth’ many are talking about, and the ‘waiting mode’ that many people are currently in. On the one hand, I noticed that there is [...]

How to Anchor the New Earth Frequencies? (without doom-and-gloom)2024-07-22T18:51:41+02:00
5 06, 2022

Aligning with you Soul’s Mission


Once we come more and more in contact with our Higher Self (as a result of the lifting of the veils – see previous post), our Soul-mission will become clearer. For some this might [...]

Aligning with you Soul’s Mission2024-07-22T18:53:07+02:00
14 05, 2022

Nothing is what it seems


While the external chaos ‘seems’ to be increasing, something entirely different is happening behind the scenes. At night, I often receive insights about the significant energetic shifts that are occurring and the major progress [...]

Nothing is what it seems2024-07-22T19:02:49+02:00
8 04, 2022

Timeline-acceleration of the organic ascention timeline


The Organic Ascension Timeline This came through during intuitive writing: The organic ascension timeline has recently been anchored and secured on Earth. This is the timeline that will persist and hold the energy of [...]

Timeline-acceleration of the organic ascention timeline2024-07-22T19:28:18+02:00
8 04, 2022

New age vs. Anti new age & finding your own truth


The past years have been a deep transformation for me. Initially, I discovered all sorts of things in the field of 'spirituality,' because I felt a bit of recognition everywhere. Soon, I received insights [...]

New age vs. Anti new age & finding your own truth2024-07-22T19:19:18+02:00
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